Journey Together

Journey Together

Monday, June 29, 2015

College Days: Finishing Well

I am absolutely in awe of all that God has done in our lives this past year. If you would have told me a year ago that I would be where I am today, I would have been in complete shock haha. I'm overwhelmed by God's goodness to us! Now that life has slowed down a little bit, I'm going to catch up on blogging about the momentous occasions from the past few months. First up: Graduation. In many ways, it is hard to believe that just two months ago, we were living in Missouri, finishing final projects, papers, presentations and finals, graduating, and saying goodbye to dear friends. Alex and I both grew a tremendous amount during our college years. We learned more about ourselves as individuals and more about God's desire and dreams for our lives. It was also at college where I had some very real talks with God about falling in love with Alex :) College stretched me in many ways: out of my comfort zone of normality, living away from home, challenging me academically, and undergoing a lot of stress from all of my responsibilities. I met so many amazing people who I know will be world changers for Christ. Alex and I have now closed the college chapter of our lives. As I've ended each stage of my life to begin another, I'm amazed how God has prepared me for each transition. God has certainly prepared us and blessed us tremendously in this new chapter. We're ready...or at least as ready as God wants us to be :)

Thank you Emily (aka roommie) for coming into my life right when I needed you.
Gianna, I couldn't have asked for a sweeter, funnier, best friend to share my college experience. I will treasure our goofy memories forever :)
I'm so thankful to have ministered through dance alongside these amazing young ladies!
My wonderful floor-mates!
Social Work is not an easy major nor an easier career, but I believe each one of us will impact the world for Christ!!
I miss these girls SO much! Thank you Bethany and Shannon for keeping me going when Social Work life got hard! #dreamteamforlife
It was an absolute blessing to have our families visit for the week before graduation! Here's a pic of me with Alex's family  at Silver Dollar City 
How can I thank you enough, Mom and Dad?! You're my biggest cheer leaders in life. I love you!!!
Thankful for family! :)
Rebecca, I'm not sure if you know how much your friendship has meant to me. Thank you for ALWAYS being there!
Thank you to all of our amazing friends and family who blessed us at our graduation party!!!
I'm SO proud of my hubby!!! He's the best!
Alex and his roommate Sterling :) Thanks for all the awesome memories Sterling!! We miss you!

We did it!!!