Hello friends and family! Well I cannot believe it has taken me this long to get back into blogging! I hardly know where to begin since it's been so long. But hopefully from here on out I'll be a little more consistent. Here's a snippet of life these days:
Ministry life:
School is back in session so we're back to the school year routine with our students - weekly youth group, youth Bible study, and highschool girls Bible study. We're also gearing up for annual events like See You at the Pole and Youth Conference. We've really been enjoying pouring into our student leaders at our monthly hangout "Core" where we've been studying the book "Multiply" (really, really, good book). Ministry life is busy with our weekly and monthly events and meeting with students throughout the week, but we are so grateful for the opportunity to be serving both our students and also our church through the worship ministry.
If there's one word I could use to describe ministry life lately it would be "growing". We are growing. I'm not talking about numbers growth, I'm talking about personal growth. We've come to realize that ministry is messy. It's messy because we're messy and we're doing all that we can to help other messy people. We don't have it all figured out. We don't have all the answers. Thankfully we know the One who is all in all. God is currently teaching me to grow in remembering to pour out, to help, and to love not out of my own strength but out of God's strength. Even though at times it's uncomfortable, I'm thankful God is helping me grow.
Married Life:
Life is SO busy. So, Alex and I have been finding it absolutely necessary for us to literally schedule in days or at least evenings where we recharge. And it has been SO good! Even though life can be crazy busy, I'm so thankful that I get to do life with my best friend (like, seriously, so so thankful). I love that we get to do ministry together and married life together and the life in between all that together. When life is hard, I'm so thankful I have my best friend/partner right by my side.
Family Life:
We officially became a family in January with the arrival of our sweet son, Weston, and OH what a JOY it has been! He is such a gift! He is such a happy baby and spreads his happiness to whomever he is around whether it's strangers at the grocery store, a student who's having a rough day, or whoever. He loves to say "dada" and I think it is officially his first word :) We love hearing him giggle and we are willing to do whatever goofy thing we need to do just to hear that sweet giggle. He is a very curious little boy and is constantly learning and GROWING! I can hardly believe he will be 8 months this week. Oh how crazy! I'm so very thankful Alex works so hard so I can stay at home with Weston. It's the best job I've ever had :) I absolutely love being Weston's mom!
Well there's a quick update about life. Now, hopefully, I can be more on top of it and get back into blogging consistently. May God's blessings be upon you and your loved ones!