Journey Together

Journey Together

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Busy and Blessed

Hello friends and family!

I can't believe it's been nearly 3 months since I last wrote a blog post! So much has happened in our lives over the course of that time and it looks like life is just picking up pace from here on out. People keep saying how great it is to enjoy this time of life because once our little one (and little ones after that) come, life will be crazy! Well if our life is already crazy, I wonder how it can get any crazier :P We've been praying about what changes may need to take place (aka what to cut out of our schedules) in order to maintain our health physically, emotionally, and spiritually as we step into this new phase of parenthood. I'm not sure what that will look like, but I'm thankful God does :)

Even though Alex and I aren't in school and don't have kids in school, since we are so involved in student ministries there was a definite change in season as the school year started. Summer was busy in it's unpredictable, wonderful way, but the school year has been busy so far with getting back into the routine of things and putting together the annual events for this time of year.

Highlights of youth ministry:

  • See You at the Pole was an awesome success in our community! We had many students from all over the community gather around their schools to pray over the students and staff and to boldly declare their faith to their fellow classmates. We were so proud of our students who woke up extra early to participate in this. It is so encouraging to see them growing in their faith and boldly living it out!
  • This past weekend we took our students to youth conference in Seattle. What an awesome time of worshiping together, growing in the knowledge of the Lord, and bonding as a youth group! We are thrilled that one of our girls gave her heart to the Lord for the very first time! 
  • Our weekly, highschool, girls Bible study started up again and we are going through the book Crazy Love. I am so thankful I get to be part of our students lives and I get to walk with them as they grow in the Lord!
Highlights of pregnancy care ministry: 
  • We have four major events at the pregnancy resource center this month so we've been very busy preparing for those! We brought a pro-life movie to our city in hopes of getting more individuals inspired about the pro-life movement, we are also sponsoring a teen girls event focused on encouraging girls to find their identity in Christ and not in the lies they tell themselves or what the world tells them, and we have two of our largest fundraising events!
  • The past few weeks have been rather stressful so the Lord has had to teach me faith, how to rest, how to ask for help, and how to manage my over-achiever/perfectionist personality. So much growing!! 
  • God has truly, truly proven Himself faithful in providing for every need and detail for these events. I am so excited to see the impact the Lord will make through these events! 
Highlights of family life:
  • We are thrilled to announce WE'RE HAVING A BOY!!! I think he must have grown quite a bit this past month because for one, I'm growing, and also I can feel him moving a lot! Feeling his movements is my favorite part of pregnancy thus far :) I love how he reminds me how he's a part of everything we're doing. For example, at the See You at the Pole Rally as the speaker was giving the salvation message, our little boy gave me a nudge. It was so sweet and I was able to pray over him that one day He would accept the Lord as his Savior.
  • I'm super in love with my husband :) I was just thinking about our love story last night and how it is my absolute favorite love story! I'm just amazed how God brought us together. I love doing life with him and I treasure the moments when we can slow down together and just be totally focused on each other. 
Life is crazy, but oh so blessed! God is teaching us so much in this season and I'm thankful for that. I've begun doing a Bible study with my co-workers called the Armor of God by Pricsilla Shirer. It is SO good! I've only done week one, but I highly recommend it. Hopefully, I will find time to blog about what I'm learning through the study in the weeks to come. Anyway, blessings to you all! Enjoy the beauty of autumn :)